Lumea de dincolo, între spaimă şi fascinaţie

The other wold in between fear and fascination
The reason why the archaim man tried to create (to imagine) an AnotherWorld
comes from an internal wish to foresee the chaos, the unknown, the impredictable,
and to eliminate undeterminacy. Such an impulse was supported by a very profound
psychological feature: the temptation to descipher the hidden (and, therefore, horrible)
things through figurative presentations, ones that he might recognize.
The result that man obtain was differentiated according to the specfic religious
and cultural contexts: men scketched horrid images of death, or, on the contrary,
they tried to “rhetoric death”, using the metaphoric force in transposing meaning.
Eventually, the two options have not represented anything else but the wish to represent
an unkonwn destiny, and this representation was also a means of dominating
this destiny.
This paper is dedicated to some considerations in relation to these very ambivalente
attitudes, whihc result from the need of both being around, and, at the same
time, the fear of being around.


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