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Jocul De-a calul în folclorul infantil şi în literatură (Ion Creangă, I. L. Caragiale, Ion Agârbiceanu)
‘The Horse’ Game in infantile folklore and literature
The present article aims at highlighting the fact that in a world invaded by strict
rules which are meant to “block” the human being, the ludic manifestation and literature
intervene. The former intercedes through the game as a game, which is
equivalent to pleasure, and the latter through the game of interpretation, identical
with the creation. In their works I. Creangă, I.L. Caragiale, I.Agârbiceanu evoke
one of the most simple, loved and spread ludic manifestation in which the protagonists
are the horse and the rider. The horse fromthe children’s traditional games appears
as a solar/telluric symbol with deep mythical/ritualistic significance.
Motto: “Puii mei, bobocii mei, copiii mei!
Aşa este jocul.
Îl joci în doi, în trei.
Îl joci în câte câţi vrei.
Arde-l-ar focul!”
(Tudor Arghezi, De-a v-aţi ascuns, în vol. Cuvinte potrivite, 1927)
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